How Did a 10-Minute Delay in Treatment Lead to $9 Million Settlement?
How’d This Delivery Room Team Miss Fetal Distress?
How Misjudging Baby’s Weight Can Lead to Birth Injury
Premature Baby Falls From Incubator; Suffers Cracked Skull
Appeals Court Upholds $3 Million Ruling for Birth Injury Caused by Topamax
Chemical Birth Defects and Avoiding Exposure to Toxic Substances
The Struggles and Challenges Faced by Birth Injury Survivors
How Birth Injuries Affect Those Who Need to Deal with the Aftermath
That conditioning is hardly unfounded. For the most part, medical professionals who manage births handle their duties properly and help to bring healthy babies into the world. Unfortunately, though, that is not always the...
Parents of a Child Suffering a Birth Injury Endure a Range of Difficult Emotions
Unfortunately, not all childbirths go smoothly and come off without incident or without problems. Mothers and infants can both be harmed during birth for many reasons, and the results of these types of injuries...