New York Workers’ Compensation Lawyers
Were you injured on the job? You may not be limited to workers’ compensation benefits. You may be able to recover from another person or company for injuries sustained in an accident on the job. You need New York workers’ compensation lawyers with experience in personal injury law.
In one case, The Fitzgerald Law Firm obtained a $3,236,653 jury verdict for a worker who fell 20 feet through a hole where a spiral staircase had been removed. Read more about the $3,236,653 jury verdict.
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New York Workers’ Compensation Benefits
New York workers’ compensation benefits include payment of medical bills, a weekly benefit for each week the injured worker is unable to work and payment on a scheduled basis for a permanent injury.
Since awards for these type of injuries are based upon past earnings and no provision is made for the worker’s pain and suffering, these awards tend to be modest. Significantly, the law does not permit the injured worker to sue his employer and the worker is limited to those benefits received through Worker’s Compensation.
Lawsuit for Damages
In cases such as a construction worker injured on the job, although the construction worker by law cannot recover a reward from the employer, the laborer may be able to recover an award against any other person or company for injuries sustained in the same accident. Meaning the laborer who is injured on the job can file a Worker’s Compensation claim, receive his benefits and at the same time sue any other contractor whose negligence brought about the injury. You will need a New York workers’ compensation attorney with personal injury experience. Contact The Fitzgerald Law Firm.