Appeals Court Upholds $3 Million Ruling for Birth Injury Caused by Topamax
Mother Sues for Birth Injury in New York
Medical Groups Call for Reduction in C-Sections As Numbers Skyrocket
Negligence Before Birth – 5 Common Mistakes Made With Prenatal Care
Ohio Birth Injury Lawsuit Settles for $5.25 Million
Daunting Rise in Number of New York City School System With Autism
Johns Hopkins Study on Medical Malpractice Claims Reveals Shocking Statistics
New York Birth Injury Lawyers Discussing Cerebral Palsy and Seizures
Below you will find information regarding the problems that both arise with and that are associated with a child who was deprived of oxygen while being born and subsequently suffers from periodic seizures. You...
New York Birth Injury Lawyers Helping Families Harmed by Clomid
Below you will find a brief overview of the uses, problems associated with and issues related to the use of Clomid in women. You will also find information regarding the realities of taking on...