While many vehicle accidents involve collisions with another car or truck, some of these accidents are single-vehicle crashes that involve the collision of a vehicle with another object. This was the case recently at...
For generations, cerebral palsy was a condition that provided no answers to the medical community other than advancements that were made with regards to the ability to diagnose and treat this lifelong condition. There...
The urbanization of the United States is something that appears to be happening again after decades of seeing the population spread out into the suburbs and then into different parts of the country. As...
When we’re out and about anywhere in the city, most of us wonder why it’s even necessary to have speed limits posted on many of the busiest roads. That’s because there is usually a...
More than 187,000 people are injured in New York car accidents every year, and more than 1,200 others are killed. Sadly, many of these crashes receive some minor attention from the media, but then...