Sleep Disorders Faced by Cerebral Palsy Patients Untreated

sleep disorders

Research from Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare tells us that many children who have cerebral palsy (CP) often experience yet another type of side effect from the condition: sleep disorders.

Findings From the Study

The research discovered that in many cases, serious sleep disorders among children with CP are going untreated and underdiagnosed.

One of the lead researchers said the problem is serious because it can limit gains in treatments and can increase the likelihood of seizures and respiratory illnesses.

This is yet another obstacle that children with CP must potentially tackle. While sleep disorders can be tough for just about anyone – even people in good general health – children with CP are in a vulnerable position from the day they’re born.

How Does CP Affect People?

Of course, because we’re all individuals, there’s no set rule about how all people with CP will be affected.

Some of the most commonly reported effects include uncontrolled or unpredictable movements, stiff muscles, tremors, etc. Other difficulties can include problems breathing, swallowing, bladder and bowel control, and eating and digesting food.

Causes for CP?

CP actually sets in as the result of a combination of events either before, during or after birth which leads to injuring a baby’s developing brain.

In other words, there’s no known single cause for CP

If Your Child Developed Cerebral Palsy Due To Someone Else’s Negligence, Call The Fitzgerald Law Firm

Again, while there’s no known single cause for CP, a baby is in a most vulnerable state during the delivery process. Any mishap or accident from attending medical personnel can easily trigger the events that lead to CP.

If your child has developed CP due to the negligence of someone else, you should know that The Fitzgerald Law Firm will be aggressive in thoroughly investigating your case and in the pursuit of compensation.

Call us for a free consultation at 800-323-9900.
