A stunning report about autism says there’s evidence confirming that the neurodevelopmental condition can affect a person’s entire body by being linked to a host of other health issues, including epilepsy, depression, bipolar disorder, difficulty sleeping and anxiety.
In this issue, we’ll delve deeper into the study and its findings.
Who conducted the study?
The report was carried out by the advocacy group Autism Speaks, an organization that says its mission is to advance research into the causes of autism and to help find better treatment options for those with autism.
“We now know, beyond doubt, that for many people, autism is a whole-body disorder,” wrote authors of the report in their introduction.
The report is a collection of sorts of the latest results of genetic autism research.
What other health issues are common for people with autism?
Findings in the report include the following associated health issues:
- Children with autism are almost 8 times more likely than other children to suffer from one or more gastrointestinal problems
- More than half of children with autism have one or more chronic sleep problems
- 32% of children with autism between the ages of 2-5-years-old are overweight; 16% are obese (a possible contributing factor of this is the fact that weight issues tend to correlate with behavioral medicines the child may be taking)
- Almost 35% of adults with autism also have schizophrenia, compared with the estimated 1.1% of the general population that has schizophrenia
- Epilepsy affects nearly 33% of people with autism, compared to 2% of the general population that is affected
It’s obvious that autism can and does have far-reaching implications for those who have been diagnosed with the condition.
If your child has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder or you suspect your child has an autism spectrum disorder, contact The Fitzgerald Law Firm.
The first consultation is always free and our number is 800-323-9900.