Information is still arising in the case of a Yonkers woman killed in October due to a faulty ignition switch on a GM car, a problem for which recalls have long been issued. According to Dierdre Betancourt, mother of 25-year-old Brittany Alfarone, she tried twice to have the 2006 Chevy Cobalt her daughter was driving repaired but was told both times by dealers that it was unnecessary.
GM claims to be doing everything possible to have dealers make the repairs, but so far, despite a 72-employee dedicated call center and a wide outreach to current car owners, experts estimate that less than half of the needed repairs have been made to affected vehicles. Owners complain of months of wait time, with reports to federal regulators increasing weekly.
Ignition Switch Crashes Raise Questions
Cases such as Alfarone’s highlight the fact that it is not always easy to tell when the ignition problem is present, as well. Her car cut off after hitting a bump on a busy parkway in New York a few weeks before the accident which took her life. However, her mother claims that two different dealers turned her away when she tried to have the car fixed. The car was so badly damaged in the crash that police say it may be difficult to salvage the black box, a device that could settle the question of whether a faulty ignition switch was to blame for the crash.
Betancourt bought the car from a towing service after the vehicle had been in an accident and given a “salvage” title. One dealer refused to work on it due to its title status, while another informed her that the car had already been fixed based on a search of its VIN number. This was actually not true as a later VIN search revealed.
What If I Have A Recall Issue With My Car?
If you have an issue with your car that involves a recall, it is very important to have repairs made immediately. This is not only to protect yourself but also others on the road who could possibly be put in danger by a crash. Furthermore, if a dealer refuses to fix your car, there are options available to you to keep yourself and your family safe.
If you have been injured in an accident that may have been due to a recalled vehicle, contact the personal injury attorneys at the Fitzgerald Law Firm in New York immediately.