Imagine yourself walking into a deli just after midnight one night because you’re hungry and you’d like to grab a sandwich on the way home. You’re ready to place your order when all of a sudden, a huge vehicle smashes through the front window and bears down on you. As impossible as it may seem for such a scene to actually play out, that’s what happened early yesterday morning in Manhattan. A livery cab collided with another vehicle and plowed through the front of a deli. Amazingly, no one inside the deli was injured, but the drivers of both vehicles were hurt.
This crash is one of hundreds of thousands that takes place across New York every year. According to the state, more than 187,000 people are injured and more than 1,200 people are killed in this manner every year. The accident at issue here took place at approximately 12:20 a.m. yesterday morning. A livery cab and another vehicle collided near 116th Street and Morningside Avenue, and the livery cab went careening out of control after the initial impact. It wound up driving right into Ralph’s Deli that is located there, and the drivers of both vehicles were transported to a nearby hospital. No word was given as to which party was at fault for the accident.
Hopefully, everyone involved in the crash is able to make a full recovery from the injuries they suffered, and this incident will most likely lead to the filing of a New York personal injury lawsuit against the person who did cause the crash. The situation could also involve claims made by the owner and insurance company of the deli against the responsible party or parties. Anyone who has been injured in a crash in the state that was not their fault will also soon find themselves dealing with insurance companies and perhaps defense attorneys. If this includes you or someone you love, you need to make sure that you level the playing field as you pursue a recovery of compensation for the losses you have suffered. Contact the New York accident lawyers at The Fitzgerald Law Firm today to schedule a free initial consultation.