New York Car Accident Lawyers Discussing Accident Statistics in the City

Below you will find a brief overview of the statistics that relate to New York City car accidents that occur on an annual basis.  These statistics will then be broken down further in order to fully explain the scope of the problem.  Finally, you will find information regarding how you can contact New York car accident lawyers who have been securing positive results for clients for more than 40 years to schedule a free initial consultation if you or someone you love has been injured or worse in a crash.

New York City Car Accident Statistics

Anyone who reviews the statistics that relate to New York City car accidents will soon obtain an understanding of the far-reaching scope of this problem.  Every year within the five boroughs, more than 60,000 New York City car accidents occur.  These accidents lead to a total of nearly as many injuries to passengers and to drivers and they lead to more than 100 fatalities.  Therefore, more than 5,000 New York City car accidents occur every month, leading to nearly as many injuries and to two fatalities every week during the year.

How New York City Car Accident Lawyers Can Help

When a New York City car accident occurs and someone who was not at fault for the crash is injured, that injured person faces a difficult situation when it comes to standing up for his or her legal rights.  That’s because it can be difficult to obtain the proper evidence that relates to the crash that caused the injuries and because insurance company representatives who get involved in these matters are not working for the best interests of the person who has been harmed.

In addition, navigating through unfamiliar and unforgiving legal waters can lead almost anyone astray, particularly someone who has no legal background and who is simultaneously fighting to recover from physical and emotional harm.  In short, someone who has been injured or the family of someone who has been killed in a crash needs to obtain professional help to make sure that they are giving themselves the best possible chance to properly obtain justice.

If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in a crash, you need to seek the help of New York City car accident lawyers who have been securing favorable results for suffering clients for more than 40 years.  Contact The Fitzgerald Law Firm today to schedule a free initial consultation.
