According to reports, a police officer has been injured in New Jersey after a drunk driver hit the back of his patrol vehicle. The officer was responding to a crash on Interstate 287 at the time of the crash. According to official sources, a Jeep, traveling at a high rate of speed, hit the patrol car, causing the officer to injure his back, shoulder and elbow. The officer was taken to a nearby hospital. The driver was arrested for driving under the influence, but has yet to be identified.
Drunk Driving Incidents in New York
According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), which offers DUI statistics for each state, there were 8,368 alcohol-related crashes in New York in 2013. At least 364 of these crashes resulted in fatalities in which the driver had a .08 BAC or higher, representing 30.4 percent of total traffic deaths in New York for that year.
Everyone knows that drinking and driving is a big risk. Despite this, many continue to engage in this extremely dangerous behavior, leading to deaths and injuries. Drunk driving may lead to speeding or to loss of control that results in tragic accidents.
Who is Responsible for Damages from a DUI Accident in New York?
Those who are victims of drunk drivers can attempt to collect compensation from the driver. In some cases, they may also be able to seek compensation from the establishment that served the alcohol to the driver. In New York, the law allows victims who have been injured by drunk drivers to recover damages like medical bills, compensation for pain and suffering and more. This compensation may not only benefit the victim but also the entire community. It can punish drunk drivers for their extremely negligent and thoughtless actions.
If you are a victim of a drunk driver, you should know that you deserve compensation for your injuries. To give yourself the best chance of winning your suit, have an experienced New York personal injury attorney by your side.
The team at the Fitzgerald Law Firm in New York has helped the victims of drunk drivers for over 40 years. Our team possesses a detailed understanding of alcohol-related accidents and the law surrounding them. In some cases, we may even be able to help you collect punitive damages. This gives you a larger potential settlement and results in more punishment for the drunk driver.
If you are facing the long road to recovery after an accident caused by a drunk driver, call the Fitzgerald Law Firm today for help.