Below you will find a brief overview of this study that’s taking place and what the researchers hope to discover as they move through this meticulous process. The hope is that some sort of option will be found that will help children suffering from cerebral palsy. If your child has been diagnosed with this condition and you believe it was the result of mistakes made by those overseeing your child’s birth, seek the help of experienced New York medical malpractice lawyers as soon as possible.
The Cerebral Palsy/Cord Blood Study
The FDA has approved and is helping to regulate a study that is being done by researchers at the Georgia Health Sciences University that’s located in Augusta. These researchers are using stem cells found in cord blood and infusing them into children who have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. 40 children are being used in the study, and half of them will receive a cord blood transfusion while the other half will receive a placebo.
The hope is that these infusions will spark some sort of cognitive improvement in the children who are dealing with cerebral palsy. While it’s too early to be able to define any tangible results, at least one of the mothers of the children involved in the study has already publicly claimed to notice market improvements in her child in a matter of a few months. Clearly, the rest of the study will need to be completed in order to fully understand the capabilities of cord blood and its potential effect on cerebral palsy, but the very early feedback has been positive.
Cerebral Palsy and Negligence
Any step that could wind up helping people enjoy better lives as they deal with cerebral palsy is obviously a positive. While some cerebral palsy patients have this condition because of genetics, many others are diagnosed after suffering some sort of birth injury that was caused by the negligence of the medical professionals overseeing the births.
If your child is one of these people, you need to seek the help of experienced New York medical malpractice lawyers who have been holding those responsible for this difficult result accountable for more than 40 years. Contact The Fitzgerald Law Firm today to schedule a free initial consultation.