The world of medical research has made remarkable progress with regards to several different diseases and challenges in recent years, and one of those conditions that has been the target of a high amount of effort is cerebral palsy. While many encouraging results have been earned and lessons learned, this lifelong condition unfortunately remains a mystery in many respects. However, every positive step that’s taken, no matter how small, is important progress in terms of recognizing, treating and hopefully one day curing this condition. Recently, a step forward may have been taken in Australia.
Below you will find a brief overview of a study that was done in Australia that looked at a new and unique form of treatment for children who suffer from cerebral palsy. You will also find information regarding how this condition can come about as a result of mistakes that were made by medical professionals. Anyone whose child has suffered because of this type of a mistake needs to obtain the help of experienced New York medical malpractice lawyers as soon as possible.
The Australian Study – A Brief Introduction
Researchers at the Monash Children’s Hospital in Australia recently completed a six-year study that took a close look at children with cerebral palsy. These children suffered from what the researchers referred to as ‘unilateral’ cerebral palsy whereby the children struggled with the use of the limbs on one side of the body because of problematic connections that existed in their brains.
The researchers provided these children with treatments that included Botox as well as a protocol of ongoing occupational and rehabilitative therapy that provided them with the lessons needed to learn to use those limbs. Over time, all of the 34 children involved in the study eventually learned to use their hands because of the combination of the Botox and the therapy. One difference that existed was that one group was given a more traditional form of therapy while the other was given a more intense form. The study showed no difference between those two groups.
Cerebral Palsy and Potential Legal Liability
Clearly, we like everyone else hopes that this study somehow helps to define a pathway to a cure and or at least to improved treatment of cerebral palsy. Unfortunately, there still appears to be a long way to go, and parents whose children have been diagnosed with this condition because of a mistake made during the delivery process are often unaware of their legal rights and options despite their massive needs for help.
Parents who are in this position could wind up recovering compensation for the help they will need, but they should not attempt to capture this recovery by themselves. If your child has suffered in this manner, you need to seek the help of New York medical malpractice lawyers who have been fighting for the rights of families for more than 40 years. Contact The Fitzgerald Law Firm today to schedule a free initial consultation.