Specifically, statistics indicate that there are currently 60 active birth injury claims that are being pursued against the National Health Service, and the majority of these claims relate to infants being born with hypertension. Generally, these claims state that the medical professionals who were supposed to oversee these births failed to notice dangerously low blood sugar levels in the infants involved in the claims. Hypertension is a serious condition that can lead to brain damage. The NHS has reportedly set aside 235 million pounds to deal with these cases.
United States Birth Injury Statistics
First, we’d like to offer our hope that the situation that exists in the United Kingdom finds a resolution that is fast and fair for everyone involved, and that this issue will lead to a higher degree of vigilance in those who are supposed to oversee births. As mentioned above, birth injuries are not only a British problem. Current statistics released by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal that approximately 7 out of every 1,000 births in the United States every year lead to the infliction of a birth injury.
New York Birth Injury Lawyers
When medical professionals who are overseeing a birth make a mistake that leads to a serious birth injury, the parents of that child do have legal rights and options that can include filing a New York birth injury lawsuit against the parties responsible for this harm. Families who file successful claims can be awarded damages that compensate them for the different forms of loss that they have already incurred and that they will realize in the future.
If your child has been harmed as a result of medical mistakes made before or during the delivery process, you need to seek the help of New York birth injury lawyers who have been fighting for the rights of families for more than 40 years. Contact The Fitzgerald Law Firm today to schedule a free initial consultation.