When motorists encounter intersections, they need to make instant and completely accurate internal calculations in order to determine whether or not turning left across oncoming lanes of traffic is a safe maneuver to make at that time. Any mistake that’s made either by the turning motorist or by someone who is approaching in the opposite direction can instantly lead to disaster. Tragically, something went very wrong last weekend at an intersection that caused a Brooklyn car accident that led to one fatality and to one serious injury.
According to the authorities, this Brooklyn car accident occurred on Saturday at approximately 10:10 a.m. An unidentified driver was attempting to make a left turn from Flatlands Avenue onto Louisiana Avenue when he was hit on his passenger side by an oncoming Infiniti sedan that had been moving in the opposite direction on Flatlands Avenue. The man’s wife was in the vehicle that was hit on the passenger side, and she was killed in the crash. The man was critically injured. Both the driver of the Infiniti and his 8-year-old son were injured in the other vehicle and transported to a nearby hospital.
New York Car Accident Statistics
First and foremost, we’d like to offer our most sincere condolences to the family and friends of the woman who was killed in this Brooklyn car accident. We also hope that the people who were injured in this crash are able to survive those injuries and to make fast and full recoveries. In addition, this crash will now become part of the overall statistics regarding New York car accidents. Every year, more than 187,000 people are injured and more than 1,200 people are killed in these crashes.
New York Catastrophic Injury Lawyers
Clearly, more investigation will be needed with regards to this Brooklyn car accident in order to determine fault for the crash. However, when fault is determined, it could lead to the filing of a New York personal injury lawsuit against the negligent driver. If both parties were at fault for the crash, the situation could fall under New York’s comparative negligence standard, which would basically mean that a percentage of fault would be assigned to both parties and any damages awarded would be adjusted accordingly.
If you or someone you love has been harmed in a crash, you need to seek the help of New York personal injury lawyers who have been fighting for the rights of clients for more than 40 years. Contact The Fitzgerald Law Firm today to schedule a free initial consultation.