Lead toxicity is a source of grave health concern for people. Regardless of how it enters the body—be it through inhalation, blood absorption or oral consumption—the effects tend to remain the same.
When lead enters our bodies, it is stored in bones, tissues and blood. It must be noted that lead doesn’t remain stored on a permanent basis; it rather becomes a source for consistent inner exposure. Over time as we age, our bones start experiencing de-mineralization—mainly due to the increased discharge of lead from bone tissues.
However, it must be realized that the lead toxicity concern is greater in women. Women in their post-menopausal phase have found to have elevated lead content in their blood than women in their pre-menopausal state.
The Impact of Short-Term Exposure to Lead
Lead poisoning often takes place when an individual is exposed to high levels of lead for a short span of time. This interaction can result into one or more of the following side-effects:
- Fatigue,
- Abdominal Pain,
- Constipation,
- Loss of Appetite,
- Loss of Memory,
- Irritation and frustration,
- Weakness etc.
Just because these symptoms may start becoming visible at a slow pace, or as a result of other factors, people fail to notice lead poisoning as a crucial problem. Remember, exposure to extremely high levels of lead can also result in death.
Lead particles can make way through the placenta in women as well. This means that if a pregnant woman is exposed to lead, the unborn child can also get adversely affected.
It must be noted that lead can cause harm to a child’s nervous system while it’s still under a developmental phase. Even the slightest level of lead exposure to kids has found to impact their behavior and mental abilities. In severe cases, exposure to lead can also result in stillbirths, abortion and infertility.
Lead toxicity impacts children more than adults. Moreover, kids tend to display serious symptoms of moderate lead exposure for a short period of time than adults.
Most commonly, lead exposure takes place in kids whose parents unintentionally bring in lead dust back home through their clothes. Studies also reveal that parents who work at areas where lead exposure is high tend to have kids with adverse mental effects and retardation.
Since human brain is most sensitive to lead exposure, brain injuries are common occurrences in kids as well as adults.
Our professional lawyers at The Fitzgerald Law Firm effectively handle a number of personal injury cases, including lead poisoning. To date, we have held a number of negligent parties accountable for a child or adult’s increased exposure to lead.
To get your case evaluated, call (800)323-9900 right away and discuss your case with our personal injury lawyer NYC.