The American culture has been changing in recent years to the point where many of us have become more health-conscious than we were in the past. This movement towards healthy living usually involves incorporating exercise into our routines as well as eating a healthy diet. Given our norms, many of us would cringe when we hear that a new ‘high-fat diet’ could provide enormous benefits to those who follow it. Most of us would think of this news as something involving one of those fad diets that is ultimately proven to be ineffective if not worse.
However, that’s exactly what the results of a recent study indicate, although this diet is one that could be consumed by people who are struggling with the realities of autism. Researchers at Trinity College recently completed a study of mice that have the behavioral characteristics of people with autism. The mice were given a diet that was high in fat and low in carbohydrates which is commonly known as a ketogenic diet. This type of diet has already been used by many people with epilepsy with much success.
The mice that had displayed characteristics of autism were given this diet over the course of between three and four weeks. When that time period had passed, man of those mice had begun to act much like mice that did not display autistic characteristics. These results seem to follow in the footsteps of a study that was done in Greece 10 years ago that involved a similar approach and produced a somewhat similar result. As many would expect, the push is now on to learn more about how this type of a diet could affect human beings who have autism.
There are some things that are not yet known with regards to the ketogenic diet and its potential effect on people with autism. Specifically, researchers want to see whether or not the effects of this diet on the brain are permanent, which would mean that people could eventually stop eating in this manner. That would be a very positive development, as this type of a diet is very strict in its limitations and it must be consumed with the close oversight of a medical professional. As such, many people simply do not take well to the diet, so another unknown is how accepted it will be with potential study subjects.
When a condition such as autism grips a society like it has with ours in recent years, it opens up the possibility of studying the issue from just about any angle imaginable. Diet could prove to be one way to fight this condition successfully, but more will have to be learned before any map can be drawn. Any progress in this context, of course, is a positive step.
If your child has been diagnosed with autism and you feel that it was the result of a mistake by the medical professionals who handled your child’s birth, contact the New York medical malpractice lawyers at The Fitzgerald Law Firm today to schedule a free initial consultation.